
Click on an image to view full picture. Right click on full image and select "Set as wallpaper" if available, otherwise select "Save image" and save in your Windows folder. With Windows 95 and a newer version of Internet Explorer or with Windows 98 and newer you can use .jpg's or .gif's as a wallpaper by setting the Active Desktop to "View as a web page". If you have an old version of Windows (or wish to free up memory by turning Active desktop off), here's a free .jpg to .bmp converter from The Independent JPEG Group (readme file).


These images are copyrighted and are for personal use only. No altering of the images is allowed except for resizing and adjusting brightness/contrast. All images except seamless textures may be distributed freely so long as they are unaltered and no fees are charged. Seamless textures may be used in the creation of other works but may not be distributed. Please include credit for the use and a hyperlink to where possible.

Image of the core of NGC 253 in Mosaic-1 from the Hubble Telescope courtesy of NASA/STSci.

M100 image in "A Distant Ocean" courtesy of NASA and The Hubble Telescope.

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©2008 Chris Mallabon